Please join us! Live online conversation with Carol Bloom: Friday October 18 and Monday October 21
For a short introduction to the Transformative Mediation approach to working with conflict.
Please join us for one or both free, LIVE online conversations with mediation trainer, Carol V. Bloom, from California. You will have an opportunity to hear more from Carol and ask her questions (in Dutch or English) about her upcoming trainings in Amsterdam:
LIVE: Friday, October 18, 18.00 – 19.00
Optimizing Self-Determination in Mediation
• Basistraining Transformatieve Mediation – 4 en 5 november
• “The Art of Reflection” Masterclass – 7 november
LIVE: Monday, October 21, 18.00 – 19.00
Power Balancing in Mediation
• a half day training on 6 november
You can register for either or both free, online conversation by e-mailing:
We will email you the link to join the Zoom.US meetings 24 hours beforehand, or watch this LinkedIn page where we will post the link.
You will be able to join from any device with internet. It’s best if you are able to participate with both video and audio enabled.
For more information about Carol Bloom’s upcoming trainings with ADR Instituut: Transformative Mediation